Monday, November 15, 2010

Busy weekend!

This is just a random pic from my phone of Clare and Paul playing in the apartment complex...I hate to post on the blog without pics.

For the past two weeks, Lori (Jon's wife) and I have been working to plan a surprise party for our Mother and Father in Law, Doug and Jan Hinkle. They both turned 60 this past week and since Josiah is in Dallas, Elizabeth is in Stillwater, and Anna has a hectic schedule, we decided to take it on last minute! We sent out invitations and ordered cakes, pie, various trays and drinks and punch together along with decorations. Josiah drove up from Dallas as part of the surprise and Elizabeth from Stillwater on Saturday, they stayed with Jon and Lori until Sunday and Josh and I took the kids over to get stuff ready for th party on Saturday and hang out with the girls. We had a good time with Abby and we are completely shocked and in awe of Abby's Ipad skills..she is a maniac with the Ipad.

On Sunday, we were so pleased that we actually managed to surprise Doug and Jan, many of their friends came and of course most of the family was present. I think they really enjoyed it and we really enjoyed seeing everyone and doing something special to celebrate their milestone bdays!

On to the kids...

We have noticed a pattern with Clare, she seems to stutter a lot when she doesnt get enough sleep, we are totally lost with her schedule and nothing we do seems to get her into a consistant nap/sleep schedule. It is very frustrating and we ask for patience by the minute.

She has said countless funny things this week, hope they don't offend anyone...

She came up to me and said "Mom?, I have to pooop which is why I am walkin like a bird"

She also keeps saying "freakin out" for EVERYTHING

Paul has really taken to singing about everything, he loves Twinkle Little Star, Drummer Boy, Baa baa black sheep, Mary had a little lamb, Jingle bells, I belong to Jesus, BIBLE, Jesus Loves me and Old McDonald. He actually sings them quite well and on tune which is very cute to hear and watch.

For the record- Paul has a great sleep schedule and it is only interuppted by Clare's non-existant one.

Josh is off until Tuesday and tonight he heads to an awards banquet where there is a 1000 dollar drawing...please pray that we get it!!

We are currently busy looking for a rental house, we are done with renting an apartment for more than what we could rent a house for.

Josh also is going to be registering for courses for the spring term, he is changing courses to be heading in a very different direction...something we have been talking and praying about for a LONG time now. If his pre reqs go well, we will likely be moving to a different state and he will be going full time to school (no working for him) and I will probably be working to help support the family. We are praying to be out of debt by this point and have a good emergency fund as well. Huge commitment and huge decisions ahead of us. We dont want to announce it yet, because he wants to get a good idea of what his school load will be and if we can commit to it yet. Please pray for us - the next five years or so will be monumental for us. (At least they feel like it).

Lots of unexpected and sudden progress with baby number 3 and we are hoping he will wait at least another 2 weeks before joining us officially.

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