Friday, November 5, 2010

Gotta blog it to remember it...

I like having a blog not only to keep friends and family updated but for myself as well, I am glad I can go back and look at photos or read what the kids have been saying or doing...

Today I bought Clare some cheap lip gloss (to deter her from using all of my stuff) and she loved it, however at one point I caught Paul following her around (wearing her princess plastic heals) and whining "Yipstick Care"...(Lipstick Clare)...yeah- great.

Paul last night fell of his tricycle (in the living room) and somehow managed to split his lip and chip a tooth...lots of blood- but mouths seem to bleed a lot even with minor cuts. He was fine after a minute of crying. About 3 minutes later I heard a *POP* and then Clare screaming, I picked her up since she was on the floor holding her foot and she wouldnt walk on her foot until the next never got swollen or anything...needless to say the first words out of my little hypochondrical Clare's mouth to Josh the next morning (who she hadnt seen in two days)..."oh Daddy, last night I popped my was so sad".

Paul has been calling Grammy (Josh's Mom) MeeMaw, and has been talking non stop about her today..."mee maw help me, mee maw hold me, mee maw hug me, mee maw kiss me" pretty cute.

We were in Target yesterday and Josh and I have to laugh because Clare is such a mini me when she gets into a store...she looks at everything and pulls it out and comments on how cute and adorable it is. She also comments on things she is not so fond of "oh my word, that is just not cute at all, its not even adorable". Her and I will definitely have some fond shopping dates as she grows up.

We watched a video of my brother John, who is currently in Rome working at the Vatican...anyways- he is the Master of Ceremonies for the Pope and in the video Clare immediately pointed him out and then pointed at the Pope and said "Uncle John knows Santa Clause?!" ... we will have to work on that :)

Anyways...We are so excited for Christmas to be here, Clare and I looked at Ornaments and Decorations and trees...It is gonna be so fun with her this year.

Good night and God bless!

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